Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Patio Furniture ReDo, A Different Sewing Project

The past few weeks I have been occupied by a "different" type of sewing project. It's really not so different because "Home Dec" sewing was really what brought me to sewing. I have made curtains, draperies, pillows, shams, duvet covers, slip covers, cornice boards, dust ruffles and just about anything you can think of in that regard. I still enjoy it. 
I love the fabric from Fabric Guru. I always go to their clearance section. Some of the fabrics are printed slightly off register but the price is fantastic. These were less than $5.00/yard for great quality outdoor fabric. 
The sofa is a $40.00 Craig's List find. 

The before is pretty boring!!

My Sweet Zoe (aka Bear or ZoeBear (: )
Enjoying the "New" Patio Furniture!!


  1. Your recovered patio cushions turned out great. I recovered the cushions on mine a few years ago and I used outdoor fabric that I'd gotten on sale for a really good deal too. I always find it so satisfying when I can remake something that has worn out or seen better days into something pretty again.

  2. this cover is everytime like.
    to get fabric on demand from weaveron textile.
